

A simple toon flame made by mixing two ShaderToy shaders (RVA Game Jams Magic Flame Demo by samlo and Toon Fire by floatvoid), and adapting it to fit better into the art of the game, changing also when the environment changes. The game changes when the user "projects", meaning that the control is now resembling 2D, stripping every colour but the blues.

#include "common.h"
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

#define FLAME_SIZE 2.2
#define FLAME_WIDTH 1.3
#define TEAR_EXPONENT 0.7
#define BASE_SHARPNESS 4.0

#define NOISE_SCALE 3.0
#define NOISE_SPEED -4.7
#define NOISE_GAIN 0.5
#define NOISE_MULT 0.35

#define FALLOFF_MIN 0.2
#define FALLOFF_MAX 1.3

#define BACKGROUND_MIN 0.0
#define BACKGROUND_MAX 0.15
#define RIM_EXPONENT 2.0

// Information passed from VS gbuffer of a normal mesh to the PS
struct VOUT
	float4 Pos : SV_POSITION;
	float2 Uv : TEXCOORD0;
	float3 WorldPos : TEXCOORD2;
	float3 WorldNormal : TEXCOORD3;
	float4 WorldTan : TEXCOORD4;
	float3 V : POSITION;

VOUT VS(VtxPosNUvT input)
	float4x4 world = ObjWorld;

	VOUT output = (VOUT)0;

	float3 origin = world[3].xyz;
	float3 V = normalize(origin -;
	float3 right = CameraLeft;   //normalize(cross(V, float3(0,1,0)));
	float3 up = float3(0, 1, 0);//normalize(cross(right, V));

	//float3 p = float3(origin.x, input.Uv.y, origin.z)*GlobalWorldTime;right *= 1+sin(noise(p));    
	output.Pos = float4(origin, 1); += (input.Uv.x - .5) * right + input.Uv.y * up;
	output.Pos = mul(output.Pos, CameraViewProjection);
	output.WorldNormal = mul(input.N, (float3x3)world);

	output.Uv = input.Uv;

	return output;

float4 PS(VOUT input) : SV_Target
	float2 uv = input.Uv;
	float3    BACKGROUND_COLOR_MIN = float3(1, 0.0, 0.);
	float3   BACKGROUND_COLOR_MAX = float3(1.0, 0.3, 0.0);
	float3   RIM_COLOR = float3(1.0, 0.9, 0.0);

	if (projected) {

		BACKGROUND_COLOR_MIN = float3(0.2,0.6,0.8);
		BACKGROUND_COLOR_MAX = float3(0.3, 0.9, 0.8);
		RIM_COLOR = float3(0.35, 1,1);

	// shape our base flame mask.
	// first we squish a circle and displace it, then we turn it into a teardrop shape
	float2 p = (uv - .5);
			p *= FLAME_SIZE;
			p.x *= FLAME_WIDTH;
	float time = sin(noise(ObjWorld[3].xyz)) * .5 + .5 + GlobalWorldTime;
	float dis_speed = DISPLACEMENT_SPEED * (sin(noise(ObjWorld[3].xyz)) * .5 + .5);
	float  flameDisplacement = max(0.0, sin(time * DISPLACEMENT_SPEED + (p.y * dis_speed)) * DISPLACEMENT_STRENGTH * pow(abs(uv.y - 0.1), DISPLACEMENT_EXPONENT));
	p.x += flameDisplacement;
	p.x += p.x / pow(abs(1.0 - p.y), TEAR_EXPONENT); // teardrop shaping

	// next we create our base flame mask, it looks a bit like a spooky ghost
	float gradient = length(p);
	float base = 1.0 - pow(gradient, BASE_SHARPNESS);

	// next we create our noise mask, which we will use to create the flickering part of the flame
	float speed = (sin(noise(ObjWorld[3].xyz)) * .5 + .5) * NOISE_SPEED * time;
	float up0 = snoise((uv * NOISE_SCALE) + float2(0.0, speed)) * NOISE_MULT + NOISE_GAIN;
	float up1 = 0.5 + snoise((uv * NOISE_SCALE) + float2(0.0,speed)) * NOISE_MULT + NOISE_GAIN;

	// define a gradient that we can use to make the flame fall off at the top and apply it to BOTH the flame mask and the noise together
	float falloff = smoothstep(FALLOFF_MIN, FALLOFF_MAX, pow(abs(uv.y), FALLOFF_EXPONENT));
	float flame = (base * up0 * up1);
			flame = clamp(flame - falloff, -0.0, 1.0); // we have a flame!

	float background = smoothstep(BACKGROUND_MIN, BACKGROUND_MAX, flame);
	float3 color = lerp(BACKGROUND_COLOR_MIN, BACKGROUND_COLOR_MAX, uv.y) * background;
	float s1 = step(0.24,flame);
	float s2 = step(0.7,flame);
	float3 dark = lerp(float3(0.0,0.0,0.0), float3(1.0, 0.4, 0.0),  s1);
	float3 light = lerp(dark, float3(1.0, 0.8, 0.0),  s2);

	if (projected) {
		dark = lerp(float3(0.0,0,0),float3(0.6,0.7,0.7),s1);
		light = lerp(dark, float3(1,1,1),s2);
			color = lerp(color, RIM_COLOR, light);
		float4 lastColor = float4(color * color * color,color.x * 6);
		if (lastColor.w < 0.1)discard;
		return lastColor;

	color = lerp(color, RIM_COLOR, light);
	float4 lastColor = float4(color,color.x);
	if (lastColor.w < 0.1)discard;
	return lastColor;


A toon water shader made with fbmGrad noise and smoothstep (for the wave colour). It also has "collision" detection, using depth comparison with the help of this tutorial.

#include "common.h"
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""

float3 computeSpecular( float3 wPos, float3 N, float3 view_dir, float roughness, float3 specular_color ) {
  // From wPos to Light
  float3 light_dir_full = - wPos;
  float  distance_to_light = length( light_dir_full );
  float3 light_dir = light_dir_full / distance_to_light;

  float  NdL = saturate(dot(N, light_dir));
  float  NdV = saturate(dot(N, view_dir));
  float3 h   = normalize(light_dir + view_dir); // half vector

  float  NdH = saturate(dot(N, h));
  float  VdH = saturate(dot(view_dir, h));
  float  LdV = saturate(dot(light_dir, view_dir));

  // max is to avoid reach zero
  float  a   = max(0.001f, roughness * roughness);
  float3 cSpec = Specular(specular_color, h, view_dir, light_dir, a, NdL, NdV, NdH, VdH, LdV);
  return cSpec;

float fbmF2(float2 x) {
  float t = GlobalWorldTime * 0.2;
  float v = 0.0;
  float a = 0.5;
  float2 shift = float2(100, 100);
  // Rotate to reduce axial bias
  float2x2 rot = float2x2(cos(0.5), sin(0.5), -sin(0.5), cos(0.50));
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    v += a * snoise(x);
    x = mul(rot, x) * 0.99 + shift;
    a *= 0.5;

    // Advance with time
    x += t * i;
  return v;

float fbmF3(float3 x) {
  float t = GlobalWorldTime * 0.2;
  float v = 0.0;
  float a = 0.5;
  float3 shift = float3(100, 100, 100);
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    v += a * noise(x);
    x = x * 0.9 + shift;
    a *= 0.2;
    x += t * i;
  return v;

float3 fbmGradF2( float2 uv ) {
  float small = 0.01;
  float f0 = fbmF2(uv);
  // df/dx = (f(x + dx)-f(x))/dx = (f1 - f0)/dx
  float2 f1 = float2(
      fbmF2(uv + float2(small, 0.)), 
      fbmF2(uv + float2(0., small)));
  float2 df = -( f1 - f0 ) / small;
  // 9 to enforce the vector almost goes in Z direction
  return normalize(float3(df.x, df.y, 9));

float3 fbmGradF3( float3 uv ) {
  float small = 0.01;
  float f0 = fbmF3(uv);
  // df/dx = (f(x + dx)-f(x))/dx = (f1 - f0)/dx
  float3 f1 = float3(
      fbmF3(uv + float3(small, 0., 0.)), 
      fbmF3(uv + float3(0., small, 0.)),
      fbmF3(uv + float3(0., 0., small))
  float3 df = -( f1 - f0 ) / small;
  // Add a bias to z component
  return normalize(float3(df.x, df.y, 0.2 + df.z));

float4 PS( V2F_GBuffer input) : SV_Target
  // 2D noise gradient
  float2 coords = input.WorldPos.xz + input.WorldPos.yy;
  float3 normal_tbn = fbmGradF2( 1.2*(coords * 0.14) );
  int3 ss = uint3(input.Pos.xy, 0);

  float3 N = getNormalFromTangentSpace( input, normal_tbn );

  float3 wPos = input.WorldPos + N * 0.5;
  float3 V = normalize( - input.WorldPos);
  float spec = computeSpecular( wPos, N, V, 0.25, 1 ).x;
  spec *= getShadowFactor( input.WorldPos );

  // Convert from worldSpace to homo screenSpace
  float4 proj_coords = mul( float4(input.WorldPos,1), CameraViewProjection );
  float2 homo_coords = proj_coords.xy/ proj_coords.w;
  // Convert -1..1 to 0..1

  // Recover the color in the new position
  float3 color = float3(0.0,0.025,0.025);
  float3 color2= float3(0.0,0.025,0.025)*3;
  float3 color3= float3(0.2,0.2,0.2);
  // Darkerize the tangent surfaces
  float fresnel = saturate( dot( V, input.WorldNormal ) );
  float3 color_final = color + spec * LightColor;
  float waternoise;
  float l = waternoise = dot(normalize(normal_tbn)*.5+.5,float3(0, 1, 0));

  l = smoothstep(0.5,0.49,l+0.01)*smoothstep(0.49,0.5,l+0.01);
  //l*= snoise(float2(l,l));

  //return float4(waternoise,waternoise,waternoise,1);

  color = lerp( color*0.02 , color2, l );
  float3 light= txAccLight.Sample(samLinearClamp, homo_coords.xy).xyz;
  float3 depth = txGLinearDepth.Sample(samLinear, homo_coords.xy).xyz;
  float  zlinear = txGLinearDepth.Load(ss).x;
  float3 cam2worldPos = input.WorldPos - CameraPos;
  float  camera_z = dot( CameraFront, cam2worldPos ) / CameraZFar;
  float depthDifference = zlinear-camera_z;
  float edgePatternScale=8;
  float edgePatternScroll=5;
  float offset = 0.2;
   float time= sin(noise(ObjWorld[3].xyz))*.5+.5+GlobalWorldTime;
   float2 scaleUV= input.WorldPos.xz;
  float a = txNoise.Sample(samLinear,scaleUV-float2(edgePatternScroll,cos(scaleUV.x))).x;
  float b = txNoise.Sample(samLinear,scaleUV*0.5+float2(sin(scaleUV.y),edgePatternScroll)).y;
 	float uvy = scaleUV.y - (sin(time) * 0.5 + 0.5) * 0.1 - 0.6;
  //float a = txNoise.Sample(samLinear,scaleUV).x;
  //float b = txNoise.Sample(samLinear,scaleUV).y;
  float bubbleSpeed = 0.8;
  float bubbleWidth = .15;
  float bubbleHeight = .15;
  float alpha=1;
  //float mask =(a+b)*0.9;
  //float mask = snoise(float2(a*3,uvy*4+time*0.5)) * 0.3 + 0.5;

  float wavenoise =  snoise( * .0005 + float3(0,0,(time*.100)))*.5+.5;
        wavenoise *= snoise( * .001  + float3(0,0,(time*.015)))*.5+.5;
        wavenoise = 1 - smoothstep(0.15,0.3, wavenoise);

  float3 A = fbmGradF2( coords * 0.6 );
  float  B = dot(normalize(A)*.5+.5,float3(0, 1.375, 0));
  float  C = noise(float3(abs(scaleUV.x-0.5) * bubbleWidth, uvy * bubbleHeight * bubbleSpeed, time));
  float mask = noise(float3(abs(scaleUV.x-0.5) * bubbleWidth, uvy * bubbleHeight * bubbleSpeed, time)) * waternoise + 0.5;

  float lead = 1.;
  float leadEdge=.125;
  float falloffDistance = .125;
  if(depthDifference < falloffDistance*leadEdge) {
    lead = depthDifference/(falloffDistance*leadEdge);
    lead = smoothstep(.0 + wavenoise*.4, 1.,lead);


  //wavenoise = smoothstep(.2 + wavenoise*.1, 1.,lead);

  float fallof=1.0-(depthDifference/falloffDistance)+offset;
  float3 edge= color3*fallof;

  float foam =  smoothstep(0.45 + (lead*.5), .455 + (lead*.5), lerp(B,C,.01)) + fallof * .25;
  //float foam =  smoothstep(0.45 + (lead*.5), .455 + (lead*.5), lerp(B,C,.01) + lead*0.025) + fallof * .25;
        //foam *= smoothstep(0.45 + (lead*.5), .71, lerp(B,C,.01));

  //float foam = smoothstep(0.45 + lead*0.9 ,0.451 + lead*0.9,lerp(B,C,.01));
  //float v = maxn(0.01,foam);//smoothstep(0.5 + falloffDistance*leadEdge,0.51,lerp(B,C,.01));
  //return float4(v,v,v,1);


  color = lerp(color, float3(.005,.025,.0175)*5, foam + edge * lead);

  return float4(color,alpha);